Un incidente cotidiano, del que resulta una confusión cotidiana. A tiene que cerrar un negocio con B en H. Se traslada a H para una entrevista preliminar, pone diez minutos en ir y diez en volver, y se jacta en su casa de esa velocidad. Al otro día vuelve a H, esta vez para cerrar el negocio. Como probablemente eso le exigirá muchas horas, A sale muy temprano. Aunque las circunstancias (al menos en opinión de A) son precisamente las de la víspera, tarda diez horas esta vez en llegar a H. Llega al atardecer, rendido. Le comunican que B, inquieto por su demora, ha partido hace poco para el pueblo de A y que deben haberse cruzado en el camino. Le aconsejan que espere. A, sin embargo, impaciente por el negocio, se va inmediatamente y vuelve a su casa.
Esta vez, sin poner mayor atención, hace el viaje en un momento. En su casa le dicen que B llegó muy temprano, inmediatamente después de la salida de A, y que hasta se cruzó con A en el umbral y quiso recordarle el negocio, pero que A le respondió que no tenía tiempo y que debía salir en seguida.
A pesar de esa incomprensible conducta, B entró en la casa a esperar su vuelta. Y ya había preguntado muchas veces si no había regresado aún, pero seguía esperándolo siempre en el cuarto de A. Feliz de hablar con B y de explicarle todo lo sucedido, A corre escaleras arriba. Casi al llegar tropieza, se tuerce un tendón y a punto de perder el sentido, incapaz de gritar, gimiendo en la oscuridad, oye a B -tal vez muy lejos ya, tal vez a su lado- que baja la escalera furioso y que se pierde para siempre.
A COMMON EXPERIENCE, resulting in a common confusion. A. has to transact important business with B. in H. He goes to H. for a preliminary interview, accomplishes the journey there in ten minutes, and the journey back in the same time, and on returning boasts to his family of his expedition. Next day he goes again to H., this time to settle his business finally. As that by all appearances will require several hours, A. leaves very early in the morning. But although all the surrounding circumstances, at least in A.'s estimation, are exactly the same as the day before, this time it takes him ten hours to reach H. When he arrives there quite exhausted in the evening he is informed that B., annoyed at his absence, had left half an hour before to go to A.'s village, and that they must have passed each other on the road. A. is advised to wait. But in his anxiety about his business he sets off at once and hurries home. This time he covers the distance, without paying any particular attention to the fact, practically in an instant. At home he learns that B. had arrived quite early, immediately after A.'s departure, indeed that he had met A. on the threshold and reminded him of his business; but A. had replied that he had no time to spare, he must go at once. In spite of this incomprehensible behavior of A., however, B. had stayed on to wait for A.'s return. It is true, he had asked several times whether A. was not back yet, but he was still sitting up in A.'s room. Overjoyed at the opportunity of seeing B. at once and explaining everything to him, A. rushes upstairs. He is almost at the top, when he stumbles, twists a sinew, and almost fainting with the pain, incapable even of uttering a cry, only able to moan faintly in the darkness, he hears B.--impossible to tell whether at a great distance or quite near him--stamping down the stairs in a violent rage and vanishing for good.
Frank Kafka, Eine alltägliche Verwirrung, Una confusión cotidiana, A Common Confusion (1917)
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